Monday, November 24, 2008

Recession gloat: day of the dog

Stocks crash, world changes. Predictions of doom and long winding lines of misery become the norm. Retail suffers and management school placement offers drop one zero from their salary offers.
Others -- the uglies-- of the world celeberate. Those who tired but could not make the mark are happy at the misery of those who had just about started making the mark-- the angels, the beautiful ones-- the ones who are faced the recessionary cuts (the trainees at Lehman Brothers, the starters at Citibank).
Recession is the biggest leveller, they say. And the uglies gloat.
"We could not buy into the good life like and now 'you' the 'blessed ones' know what it is to yearn for it," says the guy who tried to crackt he cat four times.
So the dogs are having their day
And the angels .. well have they fallen or not? I guess we have to wait and watch.